Faith and prayer is often a practice of one’s spirituality. It is a way to connect with spiritual side. Spiritual health is tied to wellness. Cross sectional was the method of study. Sample size was found to be 50. Purposive sampling technique was used as sampling technique . Data was collected through self structured questionnaire from the Christian people in the Rainastar shanti mandali, Lamjung. Sample was the population selected to participate in research studies. It includes Christian people who were visiting in the Rainastar shanti mandali who has fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Distribution of pre test and post test knowledge level of Christian people shows that in pre test percentage of Christian people (70%) had very poor knowledge, 20% had poor knowledge and 10% had average knowledge regarding faith. Whereas in post test the highest percent (70%) had excellent knowledge, 20% had good knowledge and 10% had average knowledge.
Faith and prayer is often a practice of one’s spirituality. It is a way to connect with spiritual side. Spiritual health is tied to wellness. Studies have found that those with strong spiritual t ies are more likely to be happy and have lower risk of depression. It has also been noted that people who are facing serious health issues tend to better if they have a strong spiritual connection. The type of religious or spiritual practice did not matter, just that someone felt connected. These benefits are believed to be from a sense of support and mental wellness that helps through difficult t imes. Many people also ask for prayers after a medical illness, injury, or before a procedure. The request may go out to family, friends, or religious community. Social media has provided a tool where a request can reach people all over the world. There have been many studies that looked for the benefits of this distance prayer but no clear effect has been found. Other studies have shown that feeling supported and having a positive attitude can help quality of life when dealing with severe illness. These prayer circles may play an important role in support.
Prayer has a very personal meaning arising from an individual’s religious background or spiritual practice. For some, prayer will mean specific sacred words; for others, it may be a more informal talking or listening to God or a higher power.
The word “prayer” comes from the Latin precarious, which means “obtained by begging, to entreat.” Prayer is rooted in the belief that there is a power greater than oneself that can influence one’s life. It is the act of raising hearts and minds to God or a higher power.
There is no one set way to pray. Forms include spoken prayers, silent prayers, and prayers of the mind, the heart, and union with God. Prayers may be directed (e.g., prayers for specific things) or non-directed, with no specific outcome in mind.
In fact, according to a recently released national survey by the Department of Health and Human Services, 55 percent of Americans say they have prayed to heal themselves or others. 1
More than 35,000 online prayer circles are registered on the popular interfaith Web site Belief net, three-quarters of them focused on improving someone’s health. 2Indeed, almost a quarter of all Americans say they have participated in such prayer groups, including those who signed up online recently to pray for former President Bill Clinton’s speedy recovery from bypass surgery. 3
In recent years, several openly religious doctors and researchers have recommended that doctors ask patients about their spiritual beliefs, on the grounds that some studies show religious people are healthier. Some even make a practice of praying with their patients. Dale Matthews, a professor of medicine at Georgetown University, recommends that doctors encourage religious patients “to pray more” to enhance recovery from illness. 4 . Different types of meditation have been shown to result in psychological and biological changes that are actually or potentially associated with improved health. Meditation has been found to produce a clinically significant reduction in resting as well as ambulatory blood pressure,[ 5,6] to reduce heart rate,[ 7] to result in cardio respiratory synchronization,[8] to alter levels of melatonin and serotonin,[9] to suppress corticostriatal glutamatergic neurotransmission,[ 10] to boost the immune response,[ 11] to decrease the levels of reactive oxygen species as measured by ultraweak photon emissio n,[12] to reduce stress and promote positive mood states,[ 13] to reduce anxiety and pain and enhance self-esteem[14] and to have a favorable influence on overall and spiritual quality of life in late – stage disease.[15] Interestingly, spiritual meditation has been found to be superior to secular meditation and relaxation in terms of decrease in anxiety and improvement in positive mood, spiritual health, spiritual experiences and tolerance to pain.[ 16]
There are many studies that look to see if prayer or fait h can change the course of an illness. A medical study need to be able to show a clear connection between a treatment and a cure. For example, a medicine may block pain signals. It is then very likely that pain relief after taking the medicine was due to t he medicine. If someone gets well after prayer, there is no known path for the researchers to study. This means the improvement may be due to prayer or anything else. [17]
Data was collected through self structured questionnaire from the Christian people in the Rainastar shanti mandali, Lamjung.
After obtaining permission from the concerned authority and informed consent from the samples, the investigator has collected the data pertaining to demographic variables. After which the data will be collected in the following phases.
Phase I: Assessed the existing level of knowledge and attitude regarding faith among Christian people with the help of structured questionnaire.
Phase II: self instructed teaching module on faith was given to the Christian people with the help of lecture.
Phase III: After a period of one week, post test level of knowledge was assessed within same group using same questionnaire. Duration of data collection will be 4-6 weeks
Population of the study includes Christian people who were visiting in the Rainastar shanti mandali, Lamjung.
Sample was the population selected to participate in research studies. It includes Christian people who were visiting in the Rainastar shanti mandali who has fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Sample size:
50 christian people who were visiting in the Rainastar shanti mandali, Lamjung. Sample size calculation:
n=[𝑧𝛼] 2
Zα =1.96, E=0.1, P=0.84, Q=0.16(1-P)
Where n= sample size.
Sampling technique:
Purposive sampling technique was used as sampling technique.
Criteria of sample selection:
Inclusion criteria:
- Christian people who were present at the time of data collection
- Christian people who were willing to participate
- Christian people who can converse in English/ Nepali
Exclusion criteria:
- Christian people who were not available at the time of data collection
- Christian people who were not willing to participate
One group pre-test post test design was planned for research study.
Self instructional teaching module was conducted in Rainastar shanti mandali .
comparison of pre test and post test level of knowledge among Christian people regarding self instructional teaching module of faith

regarding self instructional teaching module of faith
Fig: Comparison of pre test and post test level of knowledge among Christian people regarding self instructional teaching module of faith

regarding faith in Christian people.
Fig : figure showing increased knowledge in post test after video assisted teaching module regarding faith in Christian people.
Area wise effectiveness of self instructional teaching module
Table : area wise effectiveness of self instructional teaching module with mean, SD, mean percentage of pre-test and post test knowledge scores of Christian people.
Area | Max. score | Pre test(X) | Post test(Y) | Effectiveness(Y-X) | ||||||
Mean | SD | Mean% | Mean | SD | Mean% | mean | SD | Mean% | ||
faith | 12 | 3.1 | 0.81 | 43.15 | 4.1 | 0.91 | 64.8 | 1 | 0.1 | 21.65 |
Prayer of adoration | 4 | 2.9 | 0.76 | 42.5 | 3.4 | 0.84 | 74.6 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 32.1 |
Prayer of confession | 7 | 6.1 | 1.86 | 56.2 | 6.7 | 1.96 | 69.3 | 0.6 | 0.1 | 13.1 |
Prayer of intercession | 7 | 5.5 | 1.98 | 52.3 | 6.5 | 2.9 | 68.4 | 1 | 0.92 | 16.1 |
TOTAL | 30 | 17.6 | 5.41 | 48.5 | 20.7 | 6.61 | 69.27 | 3.1 | 1.92 | 67.85 |
S.No. | Area | Pre test(X) | Post test(Y) | “t” value | “p”value | ||||
Mean(X1) | SD (S1) | Sample size(n) | Mean(X2) | SD (S2) | Sample size(n) | ||||
1. | faith | 3.1 | 0.81 | 50 | 4.1 | 0.91 | 50 | 5.8 | <0.05 |
2. | Prayer of adoration | 2.9 | 0.76 | 50 | 3.4 | 0.84 | 50 | 3.125 | <0.05 |
3. | Prayer of intercession | 6.1 | 1.86 | 50 | 6.7 | 1.96 | 50 | 1.62 | <0.05 |
4. | Prayer of confession | 5.5 | 1.98 | 50 | 6.5 | 2.9 | 50 | 2.04 | <0.05 |
Paired “t” test was calculated to assess the pre and post test knowledge scores of Christian people regarding prayer of adoration and prayer of intercession showed a highly significant difference in all the area. Hence it can be interpretated that the difference in mean score values related to all the above mentioned area were the difference and not by the chance. So null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that self instructional teaching module was effective for all the areas.
Distribution of pre test and post test knowledge level of Christian people shows that in pre test percentage of Christian people (70%) had very poor knowledge, 20% had poor knowledge and 10% had average knowledge regarding faith. Whereas in post test the highest percent (70%) had excellent knowledge, 20% had good knowledge and 10% had average knowledge.
Distribution of mean, SD and mean% of pre test knowledge scores of the Christian people regarding faith shows that out of 50 maximum obtained score the mean score was 17.6+/-
5.41 which is 48.5 of total score revealing average knowledge regarding faith among Christian people before implementation of self instructional teaching module.
The main aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of Christian people regarding the faith and teach them about it. Teaching was given through self instructional teaching module which helped the Christian people to gain knowledge in faith. The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of findings of the study:
Distribution of pre test and post test knowledge level of Christian people shows that in pre test percentage of Christian people (70%) had very poor knowledge, 20% had poor knowledge and 10% had average knowledge regarding faith. Whereas in post test the highest percent (70%) had excellent knowledge, 20% had good knowledge and 10% had average knowledge.
Distribution of mean, SD and mean% of pre test knowledge scores of the Christian people regarding faith shows that out of 17 maximum obtained score the mean score was 10.6+/-
5.41 which is 48.5 of total score revealing average knowledge regarding faith among Christian people before implementation of self instructional teaching module.
Area- wise mean, SD, and mean% of pre test knowledge score shows that highest mean percent was 56.2% in the area of prayer of intercession(3.1+/-1.86) and lowest mean percent was 42.53% in the area of prayer of adoration (2.9+/-0.76)
It reveals that the Christian people had average knowledge in almost all the area before self instructional teaching module.
Paired “t” test was calculated to assess the pre and post test knowledge scores of Christian people regarding prayer of adoration and prayer of intercession showed a highly significant difference in all the area. Hence it can be interpretated that the difference in mean score values related to all the above mentioned area were the difference and not by the chance. So null hypothesis is rejected. It shows that self instructional teaching module was effective for all the areas.